My name is Greg Braileanu, and I am a software engineer with a LEGO complex. I got involved with LEGO robotics in late 2009, when some moms at our homeschool co-op started to discuss teaching a LEGO Mindstorms class. I've been wanting an NXT robot kit for a long time, but they're $300 (OUCH!), so it always had to take a back seat to other things our family needed. But when it looked like I would be helping out with the class (since I'm the co-op's resident geek), my wonderful wife convinced my wonderful dad to get our son and me an NXT for Christmas. Best Christmas present I ever got, probably!
I spent a couple weeks coming up to speed on it and did a two-class introduction. But by the third class, it became apparent that instead of aiding, I was going to be taking over as teacher! It was a lot of fun, the kids learned a lot (though some were bored out of their minds), and it led to learning even more about the NXT and teaching some summer classes at libraries in our area.
It was over the summer that I became inspired to create this blog. I don't really have the time or interest to research the latest NXT news or participate in NXT fan clubs, or anything like that. Instead, I plan for this blog to be a launching point for kids and parents who are new to Mindstorms, as well as an outlet for me to share what I've learned and teach others.
Y'all come back for more, now. Ya hear? :)
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